Certificate of Eligibility Submission & Military Benefits Inquiry

What is it?

Veterans, Dependents, reserve, or active military may be eligible for educational benefits to begin or complete their degree(s).
Who can use it?

Applying for your VA education benefits can be done in just a few steps:

  • Apply online today if you know which benefit you want to use.

  • Visit your nearest VA regional office to apply in person.

  • Call 1-888-GI BILL-1 (888-442-4551) to have the application mailed to you.

Where can I access this service?

If the VA finds you eligible, they will mail you a “Certificate of Eligibility” or “Entitlement Letter” with information about your benefits. The instructions are below to retrieve the information electronically.  For VA Education Benefits, please submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility, or screen print of your education benefit screen, via the request service button immediately upon receipt. Active, or reserve, military will need to submit a copy of their Tuition Assistance Approval.

  • Log onto eBenefits (https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits/homepage)
  • On the “Welcome” page, select the “Manage Your Benefits” option at the bottom
  • Under the “Manage Benefits” option, select the “Status Tracking” option
  • In the “Education” block, you should see a link for the benefit you are eligible for
  • Select the “Enrollment Status” Link (Post 9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill, etc)
  • Print the page entitled “Education Enrollment Status”
Request Service

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