Grade Replacement Request

What is it?

This service request is for students to request approval for grade replacement.

Submission of this form does not mean it will be processed, it will be routed to the appropriate Dean's Office for approval. This form is to be completed no later than the course withdrawal deadline for the semester in which the course is repeated. Please check the academic calendar for specific withdrawal deadlines by term.

Please Note:

INTERIM REPEAT and GRADE REPLACEMENT COURSE POLICY (effective Aug. 1, 2022-June 30, 2023): 

Advisor approval:

  • A student may only repeat a course for which they received a grade of B- or below. 
  • Advisor approval is required prior to submitting a request for grade replacement. 
  • Evidence of this approval (for instance, an advisor's email) must be submitted with your request form.
  • Note: The email you upload must include a clear statement from your advisor that the grade replacement for your repeated class is approved. For example, “I support your request for Grade Replacement for XXX course.” When a student repeats a course, both the new and old grade will appear on the student’s transcript.

Repeating courses + Grade replacement:

  • Students who repeat a course may then apply for grade replacement using the appropriate form.  Approval is granted by the relevant Dean’s office based on the student’s major program of study.
  • If grade replacement is approved, both the new and old grade will appear on a student’s transcript, but only the new grade will be factored into the student’s GPA and count for course credit. 
  • A student may not repeat the same course more than once. A student may not replace a grade for more than four distinct courses total.  A student may not repeat a first year seminar course

Additional Information:

  • The second course typically must have the same course name and number as the course being replaced; dean’s approval is required for a course to be replaced with a different course that fulfills the same GEP or program requirement (or, for a student who is changing major, a comparable requirement of the new major).  
  • Repeating a course by transfer of a comparable course from another institution requires dean’s approval and is only allowed if there is no other way for the student to stay on track towards degree completion.  Transfer credit is not calculated into a student’s cumulative G.P.A. (See Transfer Credit policy).
  • Programs and departments may impose additional restrictions on repeat courses and grade replacement due to accreditation and/or state licensure, state certification, or state registration requirements.

Note that the faculty approved a final Grade Replacement Policy that will go into effect for Fall 2024.  Important changes to policy include:

  • Starting Fall 2024, undergraduate students will only be able to replace courses with grades of C– and below.  Undergraduates will no longer be able to replace courses with grades from C to B– as was allowed under the current interim policy.   
  • For Graduate students, eligibilty for Grade Replacement will remain B– or below. 
  • Both grades appear on the transcript, but only the higher grade is calculated into the GPA.
  • Courses in which an academic honesty violation was recorded are ineligible.

Who can use it?

SJU Students.

Where can I access this service?

Please use the Request Service button on the right side of the webpage.

Request Service


Service ID: 51887
Wed 9/14/22 1:38 PM
Tue 4/9/24 1:01 PM