What is it?
Network Guest Accounts should be used for anyone needing temporary access to SJU services. Network Guest Accounts expire each year on May 31. This form is not intended to be used to replace or extend student status at SJU.
Who can use it?
Network Guest Accounts should be used by SJU affiliates only needing temporary access to SJU services. Approval is needed once a guest account is submitted.
**All university guests must have a completed background check with SJU HR.** Please reach out to Human Resources if you have questions.
Where can I access this service?
Please click the correct button to the right.
If access to Banner is needed for the guest, please request this access once the account has been created. Click Here to be redirected to the appropriate service in the service catalog.
Our target time for completion of this ticket type is within 5 business days. We will do our best to complete the work within that time frame. Please feel free to contact us after 5 business days if you have questions.