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In order to run virtual apps and desktops supplied by SJU. this article will help you download and configure the Microsoft Remote Desktop client. Once installed, it will allow you to connect to any available virtual environments.
This article helps users with opening and saving documents stored locally on an SJU or personal computer while using the Microsoft Remove Desktop client for virtual applications.
This article provides information about using virtual desktops and applications.
This article explains the changes Adobe has made on how to download, install, and use their Creative Cloud suite of applications, such as Photoshop and Acrobat, on University-issued computers.
This article outlines new security settings initiatives that are being managed on SJU issues Macs and PCs.
This article explains the different security settings that are managed on SJU issued computers. There are slightly different settings depending on what type of computer you are using.
This articles shows what Adobe Creative Cloud apps we are and are not entitled to.