Password Reset Criteria

Password Criteria

Your SJU password must meet the following criteria:

  • A minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 256 characters
  • Requires the following:
    • Lowercase characters
    • Uppercase characters
    • Numbers (0-9)
  • Special characters are optional but not required to be used in your password
  • The last password cannot be used again when a user changes a password
  • You cannot use any part of your name or SJU username within your password

We recommend that you use a Passphrase generator like the one found here.

Click here to reset password.

For more detailed instructions, please visit this article. Once you reset your password, this will update your password for all SJU services within 2 minutes.

Possible errors when resetting your password if criteria is not met:

  1. Unfortunately, your password contains a word, phrase, or pattern that makes it easily guessable. Please try again with a different password.
  2. This password does not meet the length, complexity, age, or history requirements of your corporate password policy.

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