Grades Settings - Releasing Grades to Students


Within the Canvas grade book, there are several settings you can use to customize when grades are released to students. Both a video guide and a written guide are below.

Video Guide - Gradebook Settings

Screenshot of a training video about how to adjust settings in the Canvas gradebook

Written Guide - Gradebook Settings

  1. Go to the "Grades" page of the Canvas course you would like to edit.
  2. Click the Settings gear icon on the top right-hand side.
    1. Screenshot of the Canvas gradebook
  3. Switch to the tab titled "Grade Posting Policy."
  4. Click the circle next to "Manually Post Grades."
  5. Click "Apply Settings" in the bottom right-hand corner.
    1. Screenshot of the gradebook settings page

Manually Releasing Assignment Grades

  1. Go to the "Grades" page of the Canvas course.
  2. Hover over the title of the assignment in the gradebook. Click the three dots that appear to open the menu. 
  3. After students have submitted the assignment, the option "Post grades" will be available. 
    1. Screenshot of an assignment menu in the Canvas gradebook
  4. Choose if you would like all students to be able to see their grades (Everyone) or only students who have received a grade for a submission (Graded). 
    1. Post grades menu in Canvas gradebook
  5. Apply the posted grade to all or specific sections. 
  6. Click "Post."

Hiding Grade Totals

  1. Go to the "Settings" page.
  2. On the "Course Details" tab (default), scroll down and click "more options."
  3. Click the checkbox next to "Hide totals in student grades summary."
    1. It may also be helfpul to click the checkbox next to "Hide grade distribution graphs from students." 
  4. Click "Update Course Details" at the bottom of the menu. 

Screenshot of course settings page in Canvas


Examples from Student View

Grade Totals and Assignment Grades Hidden

Screenshot of student view Canvas gradebook with grades hidden


Grade Totals and Week 1 Knowledge Check Grades Shown

Screenshot of student grade view in Canvas grades shown

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