Outgoing faxes with Esker


Below you will find instructions on using our cloud-based fax solution, Esker, to send faxes from your desktop.

How to send outgoing faxes

  1. Create an email in your SJU Gmail or email client
  2. In the To: line address the email to [recipient fax number]@EskerOnDemand.com
    1. For example, to send a fax to (123) 456-7890;
    2. I would address my email it to 1234567890@eskerondemand.com
  3. The fax content needs to be attached to the email as a PDF
  4. Click Send and you’re done!

    Each department will now receive faxes electronically as well. A fax mailbox has been created for your department, Fax[dept abbreviated name]@sju.edu. The designated recipients for the department are the administrative assistants and the department head. They can check the e-Fax inbox and forward along any incoming fax emails.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Service Center at 610.660.2920.
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SJU's cloud-based fax solution