Importing from a Canvas Commons Group

How do I import content into my course from a Canvas Commons Group?

To Import a Canvas Course from Commons

  1. In Canvas, in the global navigation on the left, click Commons. If you have not used Commons before, you will need to accept the Terms of Use. Canvas Commons button in the global navigation menu
  2. In Commons, click Filter to select the appropriate group under the Shared With heading. Canvas Commons filter button
  3. Click the blue course title for the desired course. 
  4. On the right side of the next screen, under Import /Download, select the course(s) into which you want to import the template. Canvas Import/Download button
  5. Click Import into Course. Allow a few minutes for the template to appear in your course. 

If you are not able to perform this function, please submit the issue to the Technology Service Center or call 610-660-2920.

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