Please refer to the directions based on your browser of choice.
Google Chrome
- In Google Chrome, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner.
Then click Settings.
- On the left, click Privacy and security, then click Site Settings.

- Once in site settings menu click Additional permissions.

- Click Protocol Handlers.

- Make sure Sites can ask to handle protocols is toggled on. (If appears in the list, ensure that it is not blocked on the handlers sections of permissions)
- Open Gmail in Chrome.
- In the address bar, click the double-diamond Service Handler icon.

- When prompted to Allow to open all email links?, select Allow, then click Done

- The handlers page should now have the entry for

Mozilla Firefox
- Open the Firefox menu by clicking the 3 Bar (Hamburger Stack) icon near the top right of the browser, then click Preferences.
- In the Find in preferences search box, type "mail" – the Applications preference will appear.

- Using the drop down menu next to "mailto" in the Action column, select Use Gmail.

- Close Firefox preferences and restart your Browser.
Microsoft Edge
- Click the three dots "..." icon near the upper right corner of Microsoft Edge, then click Settings.

- On the left, click Site Permissions, then click Handlers.

- Make sure Allow sites to ask to become default handlers for protocols is toggled on.
- Open Gmail in Microsoft Edge.
- In the address bar, click the double-diamond Service Handler icon.

- When prompted to Allow to open all email links?, select Allow, then click Done.

Unfortunately, recent versions of Safari have removed the ability to set a default mail program. It is recommended to use one of the web browsers above to utilize this resource.