Using Google Tasks in Calendar on a computer

Create & Edit tasks in Calendar

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. If you don't see Tasks, next to Reminders click the Down arrow Down Arrow and then Switch to Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Click Add task Add
  4. Enter your item.
  5. To include notes and set due dates, click the arrow to edit a task's details Next

Tasks with due dates will show on your calendar like all-day events.

Organizing your Tasks in Calendar

Sort by due date

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. If you don't see Tasks, next to Reminders click the Down arrow Down Arrow and then Switch to Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Click Actions and then Sort by due date.

To edit a task's due date, click the arrow and edit its details Next

Multiple lists

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Click Switch List  List menu and then New list...
  4. Enter the name of your new list, then click OK.

Rename, delete, and navigate among your lists using Switch List List menu.

Print your tasks

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Click Actions and then Print task list.

Remove Tasks in Calendar

Check off tasks with the checkbox when you're done. 

Hide completed tasks

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. If you don't see Tasks, next to Reminders click the Down arrow Down Arrow and then Switch to Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Click Actions and then Clear completed tasks.

You can review your completed tasks later with Actions and then View completed tasks.

Delete tasks

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," click Tasks. If you don't see Tasks, next to Reminders click the Down arrow Down Arrow and then Switch to Tasks. Your tasks will open on the right.
  3. Select a task, then click Delete Delete

You can bring back a deleted item by clicking View recently deleted items from the confirmation message that appears.

Return the item to your list by selecting "Undelete task" Undelete

Turn tasks off

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side under "My calendars," find Tasks.
  3. Click Tasks to hide your list.

You can tell if Google Tasks is hidden if the square next to it is an outline.

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Article ID: 24940
Wed 2/15/17 12:36 PM
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