HawkPrint - Frequently Asked Questions

What is an MFD?

  • You may hear this term used with the new print program.  An MFD is a "multi-function device".  The majority of new machines that will be installed through the HawkPrint program will be all-in-one device with scanning, printing, and emailing capabilities.  These types of machines are more energy efficient and cost-effective to use. 

When will my department be getting a new printer?

  • The University has been strategically replacing existing printers and multi-function devices throughout campus based on a pre-existing list of high priority areas.  This list is a collection of departments where printers are currently not working, have temporary printers installed, or require additional functionality to perform necessary job duties.  Once these high priority areas have been addressed, we will continue to work through campus, while keeping a few things in mind:
    • The University will be limited as to how many new printers and multi-function devices can be installed each year due to the following:
      • Budgets - how much money is available each fiscal year for new devices to be installed and supported.
      • Resources - how many devices are our managed print vendor and the Office of Information Technology able to configure and install. 
    • Device failures - if existing printers or multi-function devices fail and are unable to be repaired, this may initiate an immediate assessment of that area, requiring us to expedite a replacement.  This could delay other pending requests.  

What will happen to your existing printers and MFD's?

  • *Hawk Hill campus only*
    • Copy Products will continue to support, supply, and service existing printers located on Hawk Hill campus only.  If you have been going to Copy Products for these items in the past, you will continue to do so going forward until a HawkPrint device is installed.  One HawkPrint has been implemented in your area(s), Copy Products will then remove the legacy printers. 
    • If you are still using a desktop/local printer (a printer that is connected to only your computer in your office), these will be removed at the same time new HawkPrint devices are installed.   
      • New ink and toners will not be approved for purchase using University funds.  Due to the high cost of these supplies, users should submit requests with OIT to have these desktop printers recycled, and then continue to use the larger, multi-function department printers.  
      • Desktop/inkjet/local printers are no longer supported by The Office of Information Technology.
  • *University City campus only*
    • ​​​​​​​If you are still using a desktop/local printer, these will not immediately be removed by OIT during the implementation of HawkPrint campus-wide during October 2023.
      • New ink and toners will not be approved for purchase using University funds.  
      • Desktop/inkjet/local printers are no longer supported by The Office of Information Technology.  If users have an issue with one of these legacy desktop printers, OIT will not be able to provide assistance and will direct you to use HawkPrint moving forward.  OIT can assist with recycling the old printer and remaining supplies. 

Will this affect Research Labs and Classrooms?

  • The University's priority is to work through departmental printing first.  We will not be removing any research lab or classroom printers, unless requested to do so.  Faculty can continue to use the printers located in these spaces.
  • What if a research lab or classroom printer fails, and is not covered by, or able to be repaired, by Copy Products?
    • We ask that faculty submit a service request with OIT including the printer's location and the current issue so that it can be assessed by the Technology Services Support staff.  
    • These will be handled case by case and will most likely have different outcomes recommended based on the assessment.  

What Is Secure Release?

  • HawkPrint incorporates mandatory security features, making printing, scanning, and scan-to-email much more secure.  When print jobs are sent from a computer to one of the new HawkPrint devices, users will be required to swipe their University ID card, and/or type in their user name and password using the touch screen connected to the printer. 
    • *NOTE* - users are required to swipe their SJU ID card at least once before attempting to print.  This will register your account in the print system. 

Why are we using Secure Release?

  • Older methods of printing directly to a printer allowed confidential and sensitive data to sit on a printer until the user would come to collect their print jobs.  Depending on who had access to the printer, posed a big risk on who was able to take potentially very confidential documents.  By making users swiped their ID's or enter their user name and password, we ensure that jobs are not sitting, uncollected, for extended periods of time.  

How long do my pending print jobs stay queued before I can no longer print/release them from the printer?

  • Once you hit Print on your computer, the print jobs will stayed securely queued on our print server for 24 hours.  After this time has lapsed, your jobs will be securely deleted and you will need to reprint them from your computer again, if desired.  If you swipe your card at the printer and see no pending print jobs, the 24 hour threshold has most likely been reached. 

What If I forget my ID card?

  • No problem!  There is a small keyboard icon on each touch screen located on the printer that allows and on-screen keyboard to appear, allowing you to enter your user name and password in order to see your pending print jobs and queue. 

Can I buy my own printer?

  • No.  Printer requests should be submitted through the OIT service catalogue so that we can work with the requester to determine the nature of the request and need.  Additionally, large capital requests that had historically been made to the Office of Financial Affairs are no longer approved.  

What if you or your department need a new printer?

  • Please submit a request through our service catalogue so that we can help determine what the best options are. 

How Are Supplies and Other Consumables Ordered and Replaced?

  • One enhancement with HawkPrint is the implementation of "auto-replenishment".  What that means for you:
    • During the assessment phase prior to installing a new HawkPrint device, we will determine who a point of contact will be for each department or area receiving the new device.  This person will automatically receive shipments of new toners, maintenance kits, and other consumable supplies for the new printer. This eliminates the need for departments to manually order supplies and consumables. 
  • Some of the new MFD's contain staple cartridges, allowing printouts to automatically be stapled.  Replacement staple cartridges will not automatically ship and requires the department to contact the vendor (XSE) with the information provided on the HawkPrint asset tag attached to the printer.  It is recommended to contact the vendor (XSE) ahead of when you run out of staples so that you have some in stock for when the time comes to replace them.
  • If you are using an older printer and Copy Products for supplies, you will continue to use Copy Products.

Who is responsible for buying paper?

  • The department will continue to purchase their own paper.  

What Do I Do With Used Toners, Maintenance Kits, etc?

  • We will be working on implementing an easier way for departments to properly dispose of old supplies and consumables. 
  • When new supplies are installed, the old/empty supplies are then placed into the boxes that the replacements were shipped in.  We will then ship them back to Xerox who will use environmentally friendly recycling processes.
  • For the time being, we will help coordinate the pickup of old supplies from each department with a HawkPrint device.    You can contact the Technology Service Center directly at 610.660.2920, or have the old boxes delivered to Science Center 129.  
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Article ID: 66366
Wed 10/31/18 1:56 PM
Wed 3/13/24 2:36 PM

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