Enrollment Verification
An enrollment verification is a document that provides a student's enrollment status based on the number of credits enrolled. You can access your enrollment verification certificate 24/7 through The Nest. Select Request Enrollment Verification or follow the steps below.
1. Log into The Nest
2. Select the Student link in the top right corner of the page

3. Under Classes and Registration, navigate to the Registration Resources section and click on Obtain Enrollment Verification

4. Select the verification that you are seeking
- Current Enrollment: Displays enrollment for the current active semester
- All Enrollment: Displays all current and historical enrollment
- Advanced Registration: Displays enrollment for an upcoming semester and is only available until the first day of that semester
5. Select Obtain Enrollment Certificate

6. Your enrollment certificate will download as a PDF document. You may now print or save the certificate for your use and you may provide it directly to a third party to verify your enrollment. Please contact the Registrars Office if the verification obtained does not meet your needs.
Please note: SJU does not officially verify any student until the add/drop period is over.