Troubleshooting Respondus Issues

IT Tips:

Students should always do a practice test and ensure Respondus is functioning in advance of their exams. 

When in doubt, reboot your device!

The username I’m using is not working

If you’re having a problem logging into Canvas to take your exam, do the following: 

I do not remember my password, or I’m locked out of my account

If you’re having a problem logging into Canvas to take your exam, do the following: 

Exam/Course name is incorrect

Check that you’re in the correct course and click on the proper exam. 

Respondus needs an update 

Before taking an exam, check for updates to ensure you have the most recent version of Respondus. Below are the directions to locate and run updates:

  1. Open the Respondus LockDown Browser

  2. For Windows: Click the “i” icon in the top left corner.
    Mac: Click the About (globe) icon located in the top left corner.

  3. Click Check for Newer Version or Check for Update

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and run the update.

I can’t connect to the Internet/network while on-campus

If you’re having problems connecting to Eduroam, please follow the instructions found in our knowledge base.

My Respondus Lockdown Browser software is from another institution

Each institution that uses LockDown Browser has its own unique download file. 

  • I have Respondus Lockdown Browser from another Institution:

    • If you have used Respondus Lockdown Browser on your device at a previous institution,  follow the steps below under “Removing Respondus Lockdown Browser” to remove the application.

Removing Respondus LockDown Browser

Remove the Respondus Lockdown Browser from your device:

Windows: Follow the Microsoft Guide to remove applications from Windows 10 & 11
MAC: Please follow the Apple Guide for removing apps on your Mac

*Please note: The name of the application you are looking to uninstall is “Respondus Lockdown Browser”

Adding the SJU Respondus Lockdown Browser

Download and install the SJU Respondus Lockdown Browser. Follow the steps in the document. 

My operating system does not meet the Respondus Lockdown Browser requirements 

If you’re having problems accessing or taking a Respondus Lockdown Browser exam, one potential problem can be your computer operating system is out of date. Follow the directions below to troubleshoot this issue. 

Step 1: Please refer to What Kind of Computers Do Students Need Article to learn about the SJU operating system requirements. 

Step 2: Once you know the University computer requirements, check what operating system is running on your device:

Step 3: If your device is out-of-date, run an update:

  • Windows: Follow the Microsoft Guide to update your Windows 10/11 operating system. 

  • MAC: Follow the Apple Guide for updating your MAC operating system

Google extensions are blocking the exam launch

In some cases, extensions will block the Respondus Lockdown Browser from opening. When this is the case, you’ll need to uninstall the extensions from the browser. Here are the Google directions for uninstalling/managing the extensions. 

Note: Using an iPad or Chromebook during an exam can lead to issues with the calculator being unavailable or the exam questions' formatting not working correctly. Always use an approved device.

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