Getting Started: Technology Checklist for New Students

In this article, you'll find steps to take before you arrive on campus and during your first days at SJU to ensure you have a smooth start!

Before arriving to campus

Activate your SJU account 

  • You should have received an email to the personal email address you provided when you registered with SJU. This email contains your SJU email address and instructions on how to set a password for your account. SJU usernames have a specific format; this article should help you determine that format but if not, you can always give us a call at 610-660-2920 and we can assist.

Setup Azure MFA 

  • MFA is a tool used to verify your identity before accessing your SJU services. You will need to set this up before accessing things like: SJU email, Canvas Learning Management System, Course Registration, etc.

Check your SJU email 

  • Once you activate your account you should be frequently checking to ensure that you do not miss important university communications. You can access your email at

Get your computer ready! 

  • All SJU students are required to have their own laptop to bring to campus that supports their classroom learning and facilitates online testing. Chromebooks and iPads are NOT suitable primary devices for students and will not be supported. They are not compatible with program software and cannot be used for exams.
  • Specific recommendations can be found in this article.

Install Office 365 

  • Office 365 is provided to SJU students free of charge. Additionally, you will have use of the Google Workspace during your time here.
  • Additional discounted software is available at

 Explore The Nest 

  • The Nest is SJU's portal where you will: complete your To Do list; register for classes, view grades, access Canvas and your Google Workspace, sign up for emergency alerts and more. 

On Campus Setup

Join the wireless 

  • Follow the wireless setup instructions on your laptop and mobile device. The network will vary depending on which campuses you visit. Instructions can be found here

Spend more time in The Nest and try accessing other services such as Canvas! 

  • It's helpful to familiarize yourself with everything you will need as a student at SJU.

Connect to Streaming 

  • Access to Xfinity Stream is included with your campus housing​. Residential students on Hawk Hill or University City can access XFinity Stream on campus.

Setup your Gaming system 

  • The network will vary depending on which campuses you visit. Instructions can be found here


  • All students have access to MobilePrint. Wireless printers are not permitted on campus. Our Student Print Policy can be found in full in our SJU Document Repository with information on how many prints you receive. 

24/7 Technology Support

Visit the Technology Service Center or call us at 610-660-2920 

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