Mobileprint Error Messages & Potential Issues Due to Paper Size or Type

Requirements for Mobileprint:

  • You must be on campus and connected to the SJU network to use mobileprint.
  • While most students use mobileprint from their personal computers, or from lab computers, you may also elect to use mobileprint from your mobile phone.
    • If you are using your mobile phone, you will need to be connected to the Eduroam or sjudpsk wifi  (cellular data by itself will not find mobileprint).
  • If you're using an SJU lab, the lab computer will need to be plugged into the network.
    • You must log into the lab computer using your SJU username and password.

Common Errors that students may get when attempting to use MobilePrint:
Note - This is not an all encompassing list of error messages.  You may receive different variations of errors.  If you experience an error, please take a picture or screenshot so additional troubleshooting can be given.

  1. The operation could not be completed. 'Your account is not active. Please contact a system administrator'  
    • You will need to be an actively enrolled student. 
      • If you are, have you recently changed your password?
        • What we have seen happen on occasion is that users have (out of convenience) cached their credentials in their favorite browser and then successfully used mobileprint with those cached credentials.  However, after a password change, the browser may still attempt to use (now obsolete) credentials causing the authentication to mobileprint to fail and eventually the user account will become "locked out" after too many incorrect login attempts.  This will cause the account to be locked out for 10 minutes per policy.
    • The solution is twofold:
      1. Allow the requisite 10-minute lockout period to pass.  (You can test this by signing into your SJU gmail and see that it works.)
      2. Check to see if you have any cached credentials (old passwords) and remove them from your browser.  
        • Alternatively, as a quick fix,  if the account is active again, try using a different browser that does not have any old credentials cached--perhaps even on a different computer
  2. The operation could not be completed. 'The system could not log you on'
    • This error is caused by entering your full email address.
    • The solution for this is to only enter your username (and password) when attempting to Log in.
  3.  The selected printer does not allow the following attributes from your print job:  'Executive'. Please select another device or submit a revised print job.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    1. This error is caused by submitting a non-standard paper size that is not supported.
    2. If a document has very odd dimensions, it's possible that you will not be able to print it until you save the document to an 8.5" x 11" format and upload again.
    3. If you are printing a non-standard page size, MobilePrint will attempt to automatically resize your document for you and print it.  This may cause the printed pages to be skewed or distorted.  In order to eliminate any distorted prints, you will need to save your document in 8.5" x 11" format and upload your document again.
  4. Too large of a document being submitted for printing.
    ***MobilePrint and Print Center have a file size limit of 25MB.
    1. If you receive a warning such as the one below, it's recommended to either split the print job into several pages at a time, or be prepared to wait for several minutes:

      Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    • You may also receive similar error messages such as, "Printing - Filter failed", or "Unknown error. Please contact your network administrator".

      • You're trying to print a document with dozens, or even hundreds of pages that exceed the 25MB size limit.
      • Your document(s) have a lot of embedded pictures (especially high-rez), or other embedded content. 
    1. Additionally, attempting to email a file larger than 25MB to results in an email message:
      "MobilePrint Notification: Unfortunately, none of your documents were able to be processed. MobilePrint has been configured to process only attachments."
    • Resolution:

      Multi-page documents over 25MB must be printed in batches segmented to under 25MB. 

      Single page print jobs must have their file size reduced by editing and optimizing images to lower resolution.

  5.  Document conversion failed because "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object."

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
    1. This happens if you're submitting an unsupported type of document.
    2. Please see supported file types here.
  6.  If you're attempting to print a document directly from your Google Drive, it is recommended that you save the document to your device first, and then upload the document directly into the Print Center.




Print Article

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