
What is it?

Students are granted $40.00 of print funds each academic year at the beginning of Fall semester.  This $40.00 allotment can be applied to black and white printing or to color printing at any student HawkPrint printer at Hawk Hill and University City.  Students take advantage of this by visiting student computer labs located on both campuses or by using MobilePrint to print directly to a connected mobileprint printer.

Unspent funds do not carry over.

Who can use it?

All SJU Students at our Hawk Hill and University City locations.

Where can I access this service?

The mobileprint web site can be reached with either of these URLs:

Click the green Request Service button to the right to report an issue with MobilePrint or request a refund for unprinted documents.

Request Support

Related Articles (5)

This article shows examples of several errors a student might receive when trying to log into Mobileprint.
Learn how to find out how much print credit or HawkCash funds are still available to print at designated student printers around campus and also check to see how much each type of print job costs.
This article provides instructions on how to use MobilePrint, which is available across both campuses for students to use for web-based printing.
This article provides a quick summary of printing costs.


Service ID: 54027
Wed 3/13/24 1:19 PM
Wed 3/13/24 1:22 PM