How-tos and troubleshooting for Bridge, the learning and performance management solution that hosts the University’s employee learning, coaching, and professional development initiatives.

Articles (6)

Pinned Article Bridge Glossary of Terms

Terms used in Bridge, including agenda functions, goal details and sections, and other frequently-used terms.

Bridge 101 - Meetings & Agendas

Staff and Administrative quick guide to 1:1 meeting agendas and group meeting features of Bridge. Also includes information on tasks, goals, and achievements and how to add them to your Bridge profile.

Bridge 101 - Profile and Settings Quick Guide

Get started in Bridge by learning about the settings options, how to edit your profile (including adding skills!), and how to search for other people in the system. You can also search for skills to connect with potential mentors or people with similar interests!

Bridge for Managers: Using the Supervisory Agenda

Review of the supervisory agenda from the manager's perspective, including how to view/add tasks, goals, and learning for direct reports.

Bridge for Managers: View Learning Assigned to Your Team

Managers can check on the learning modules and live sessions their teams have completed or need to complete, including due dates, overdue items, and much more.

Goal Setting in Bridge

A quick guide for administrative staff (non-union) on how to add goals to your Bridge account to aid in on-going performance conversations.