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Learning Management System (LMS)
Learning Management System (LMS)
A Learning Management System (LMS) is an online management application used for teaching and learning. Find information about our Learning Management Systems: Canvas and D2L.
Categories (8)
Getting Started with Canvas (Faculty)
These resources are a starting point for instructors who are new to using Canvas.
Getting Started with Canvas (Students)
How to's, best practices, and additional resources to get you comfortable using Canvas!
New Features in Canvas
What is new in Canvas? Updated 01/21.
Tools Available in Canvas
Looking to record or upload video? Need to set up an exam? Find out more about the tools in Canvas.
Using Publisher Resources in Canvas
Find out how to integrate approved publisher portals into your Canvas course.
Grading in Canvas
How to's and guidance on how grading works in Canvas.
Canvas Commons
Find, import, and share learning resources with other instructors at SJU.
Managing Canvas
Copy course content, create sandbox courses and utilize other settings to help administer your Canvas courses.
Articles (11)
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Academic Technology Support Schedule
Open support sessions are available to everyone within the SJU community. Check out our hours!
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How do I get Canvas Support?
For immediate, 24/7 assistance with Canvas, please call 610-660-2920, Option 2.
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Status Pages: Canvas and Canvas integrated tools
Having trouble with Canvas or a tool within Canvas? Check to see if there is an outage or issue!
Adding Google Drive Files to your Course
You can add Google files to your Canvas course in one of two ways: link to the Google file or embed the file using the Google Assignments learning tool.
Canvas Days Fall 2024 - Session Recordings & Resources
Find the recordings and resources from the Fall 2024 Canvas Days event here.
Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE) Documentation
In canvas, the Rich Content Editor (RCE) is the area used for editing text. It typically includes a toolbar and formatting options grouped by common icons and interactions.
Creation of Rank and Tenure Courses.
Quick instructions for associating the Rank and Tenure Courses with the Blueprint course.
FAQ about Academic Dates
How to Merge Course Sections in Canvas
When you merge sections in Canvas, you are simply taking the students in one section and moving them into the main section. Within Canvas, the process is called “cross-listing”.
How to use the Attendance tool in Canvas
In Canvas, the Attendance (Roll Call) tool allows instructors to record their students' attendance and automatically adds a "Roll Call Attendance" column to the Gradebook.
If you do not see the attendance tool in your course it may have been hidden on the course menu. To add a hidden tool to your course navigation menu, see How do I manage Course Navigation links?
For details on enabling and using this tool, consult the Attendance (Roll Call) guides in the Canvas Guides.
Student Instructions for Classic Quizzes
Students looking for more instructions on how to use Classic Quizzes
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